Sunday, March 16, 2008

Old Man Sox

Prior to leaving for Singapore I began dating a girl back in Melbourne. She was really sweet and had the job offer come a couple of months later I may well have stayed in Melbourne. As it turned out I got the job offer after we'd been dating for about 6 weeks. So I took the job. I still see her on MSN sometimes and we update one another about what's been happening and the like.

She works close to my parents home so she sees my younger brother around town. As I chatted to her this afternoon something came up about ages and she suggested that she thinks my younger brother is around 30. Which makes me...? Egad! Meesa getting older boom boom, Obi!!

So she was a fair way off with ages but that's ok. Does make me wonder though about what impression I give off? To look at me, people always assume I'm fairly young but are surprised to hear my age once they start speaking to me. Of course age is irrelevant. God knows the average age of my exes is about 7 years my senior.

I've also decided to swear off Singaporean girls. No offence to them at all but their are some cultural differences that are... how do I say it... mountainous. As someone who has lived and dated in several countries now this is a very new situation for me. I've always been the type to choose carefully and love the differences. Here I find that the expectations about relationships are fairly different. My most recent break up centred around her thinking that four dates a week was not enough. Frankly, that was as much time as I could spare so here I am back on the blog writing about dating. I did meet very briefly a cute Australian girl on the staircase of a bar the other night. I'm not really up for dating someone immediately and she was with a group of friends so I let that one slip through to the keeper.

Weird Weekend :

Had an epic night on Friday night which resulted in the arrest of one of my friends (after I'd left so I still don't know the full story). Another friend announced to me that he's dating someone new which is fantastic. Weirdly though, I know the girl and she was just texting me last week to clarify where her and I stood (which wasn't anywhere - I think everyone else wanted her and I to date because it was 'cute' for them). Think I may just keep that little nugget to myself. Then there was the club I went to where I was sitting with friends and a girl and her friend (boyfriend?) came and sat at the next table. While he danced she flirted with me and gave her phone number right in front of him. Very very weird night all told.

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