Monday, March 3, 2008

Spastically brilliant!

As I sat in Lido today, a taco in my left hand and the right marking some of last week's tests I received a phone call with news that I could never ever have anticipated. One of my best friends, who works as a 3D graphic artist on computer games, has taken a job here in Singapore working on a top-level CGI project. I'd reveal the name but I figure he'd prefer I kept it to myself. Suffice it to say it's a project that will be known far and wide on the expanse that is the Net much later this year or next year.

But how F-ing brilliant! I've always said that the suckiest thing about living overseas for me is not being able to take my friends with me and now one is coming! I'm still spun out by the news. Bizarrely, he is coming in April when I have time off and was planning to find new accommodation, so it's possible we may end up living together. If not, then I'm a little more inclined to live somewhere a bit closer to the East Coast which is close to his work. Have to see what happens!

This is certainly just the bright news I've needed during a sucky month.

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