Monday, February 4, 2008

Wacky Hijinx

When does a 'joke' cross the line and become reckless endangerment? Or even attempted murder? Apparently that time hasn't yet come for a woman who served a customer a shot of cleaning detergent mixed with Coke. A $3000 fine and a good behaviour bond?! Forgive me for thinking that tossing back shots of cleaning detergent may be incredibly dangerous. I'm a bit old-fashioned that way. You know, skull and bones on any bottle usually says to me DON'T put it in your mouth or serve to customers, not possibly-give-it-a-try-because-it'll-be-funny. It's times like this that the law confounds me. Makes me wonder if this woman wasn't an attractive blond from Park Orchards but an overweight, dole-bludging bogan from Broadmeadows, would the result have been the same? It's probably best not to hurt my head with such questions.

Chinese New Year is coming up here this week so I'll be making a beeline for the fruit section of my supermarket sometime in the next day or two to load up on oranges for the appropriate parties and heading off to Chinatown tomorrow night for... well... something. I know that's a day early, but Wednesday night will be a Boy's Night Out. I must confess that one of the advantages of living in a multiracial, multi-denominational society is that you end up with a shitload of public holidays. So after only 5 weeks back at work I end up with half the week off. A fair return that should happen more regularly in my opinion.

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