Sunday, February 17, 2008


I like Sundays. It's the only day of the week that I insist on having off. Currently I have Sundays and Mondays off which is fine by me. Sure heading into work at 8am on a Saturday sucks from time to time, but it's a small sacrifice to make to ensure I have Sundays off. Before coming to Singapore this used to be my Saturday ritual, it's now my Sunday ritual. Sitting down in front of the computer, pumping some tunes (currently a best of The Police disc) and loading up all the essentials. Now that it's Sunday one of the additions has become PostSecret. For an incredibly popular blog I love that it is ad-free. There's no tracking feature (that I am aware of) unlike many of the 'popular' blogs which feel they need to know where there readers come from. I mean really, how ego-driven does one need to be?

There's something so lovely about a global village way of communicating that makes PostSecret so appealing. After all, this is what the Internet should always have been, imo. A means of communicating and connecting for people across the world. Some of the secrets are incredibly touching, some of them could even be mine.

Among a few other sites, a deep part of my ritual is running through all the analysis of the week's AFL games. Thankfully, after the usual painful 4-6 months without, footy is back! There's nothing particularly special about my ritual. For many people it would almost certainly be boredom made reality. But it's just one of those little slices of a week that is purely for one's self. Catch up on the important things and even on the things that are absolutely trivial.

Reminds me of when one of my exes got married some years ago. After many years of living completely alone in a country that was not her birth country suddenly she was living with someone. She was concerned when they first started living together because she didn't know how to let someone into her life. How to still have her little rituals while someone else was in the house or even the same room. I advised her, cliched though it may have been, to give it time and she would adjust. I didn't fully understand at that point as I had always lived with people, whether I had wanted to or not. I think I understand it now. She was about my age when this all happened so perhaps it's just a phase we go through. Yes or no, I have to say that my rituals are as important as anything else I do.

Is it weird that the Australian series Underbelly which is about the Melbourne gang war that took place over the last few years involves a character I actually know.? And yes, this man did jail time for his part in all this. Very scary guy but lovely man. I guess you just don't want to cross dudes like that.

I resolve to call her up, a thousand times a day, ask her if she'll marry me some old fashioned way. One of my favourite lyrics of all time. Would that life was that easy.


Lady Sadie said...

Yay for the return of footy, the pies are going places :)

Sox said...

No doubt in my mind that we will win the premiership this year.