Thursday, February 21, 2008

Career Change?

This year has been a major trial in terms of my job. I've pushed myself to the limits in terms of time and also organisational detail. This has been good. But ultimately I guess I find myself wondering do I really want to be working 9 hours a day and putting up with total crap for such a measly salary? The only answer is that I will stick it out for another year or so and then see if they show me the money or not. I'm not generally a money driven kind of person but being here in Singapore I have to think about whether it's financially worthwhile to be staying here when I could be at home. Yes, Singapore has been more expensive than anticipated.

As far as a total career change goes, and I always said I would consider this seriously after a decade in my current industry (I'm in year 8 now), poses far more issues. I would have to be the luckiest man alive to pull off the career change here in Sg, so this means heading back home. I think, after so many years of living in different places, the thing that scares me most is that I would end up in a job that wouldn't allow me to travel. I like living in other countries, but not being in oil/business/law/sciences, I feel a tad confined when it comes to possible career choices that involve postings overseas.

We all hate our jobs at some point. I'm probably pretty lucky that I enjoy my job the majority of the time, most people can't say that. But I'm feeling a bit fed up. I was warned by many people that this particular job would see me working like a dog and I guess now I'm feeling it. The honeymoon period is over now and the reality of making my career work for me overseas when there's hundreds and hundreds of other people vying for the same very limited number of promotions is a bit daunting.

Coming off illness, I'm probably just feeling a bit sensitive and worn down still. Let's see how I'm feeling in about 2 months time.

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