Sunday, February 10, 2008


If 2008 has brought anything it is the disquiet that is general busy-ness. Work has been mad, which is not to say it's anything I can't cope with more that there's no time to just sit at your desk and think about what you are going to do on the weekend. I must confess to having always envied friends that seemed to have limitless time to play with Facebook and Msgr whilst on the company dollar. It seems like such a luxury. Waste of the company's time and if I was the boss I'd block sites like Facebook, but at least until said bosses ban such sites in the workplace it seems to be very much a luxury.

Have had a relatively lowkey weekend. Stayed in on Saturday night, my favourite guilty pleasure in all the world! Shopped at Plaza Singapura this afternoon ad found some cute earrings that will find their way to the girlfriend on Valentine's Day. I'm not into Valentines and I'm not sure that she is, but I kind of want to get her a present anyway. She's been very good for me so far and while I'm not sure she really knows that I think I'll tell her. And earrings don't hurt to grease the wheels.
Sidenote : She told me recently that she had originally intended to set me up with one of her friends but upon reflection decided she would keep me for herself. I'm not sure whether to feel chuffed or akin to a G.I.Joe figurine.

Had an interesting run-in with a girl I saw briefly last year. This is a girl that will delete your number just because she feels slighted in some small way (e.g. she asks you out and you already have plans so you get deleted and crucified among her circle of friends). As I trudged up the escalator to the Lido foodcourt I saw her coming down the other side. Well Sox, do your thing. Go around, go down the other side and say hello and wish her well. Which I did. She had booked tickets to see a movie by herself (much later in the evening as it turned out). No problem there so I invited her to sit and eat with me. We chatted and I asked about her new job and she puffed up her chest and told me how they are sending her to London in a couple of months time because they are so impressed with her. Well that's great, says I. Glad to hear things are turning around for you. And then it comes time for me to leave - I was due in Boat Quay for a boys night out later that evening. She follows me down the escalator and then proceeds with the "Wow, what am I going to do for two whole hours while I wait for this movie..." bit. For someone who is notoriously blind when it comes to this kind of thing, even I could see where this was going. While it crossed my mind for a half a second there, it was no time at all before two things entered my head. One, I have a fantastic girlfriend and if I want a shag that desperately then I should just ask her to come over. Two, that it was girls like her that put me in a miserable state of mind last year and caused me to change out of some of the old patterns. So I told her to enjoy shopping at Borders and headed on my way.

While this is not to say I've done anything particularly extraordinary in that exchange. All I take from it is that I'm starting to make better, smarter decisions. Let's hope they continue.

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