Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Home

So after much deliberation, phone calls and looking at dirty, poorly kept apartments I have managed to find something. Have signed the lease and will move in gradually over the next week, if I ever find the time between work and my assignments. This is one of those times where it sucks not having a car as I'll have to make several trips in taxis to get my stuff there. I'm paying more than I wanted to but am happier and happier the more I think about the apartment. There's heaps of space so I'll be able to really settle in and get some work done now.

Am starting back at work tomorrow, which is usually something people dread after 3 weeks off. Me? I can't wait. Admittedly I've been in at work several times over the past week or so, including being there all of yesterday afternoon. My new schedule is exciting and my days off work much better for me. Previously my days off were Sunday/Monday but now I have a "normal" weekend which is great for however long that lasts.

Out for drinks a few nights back, I ended up meeting and drinking with a group of regional tobacco salesmen. Talking, talking, talking and then the most senior of them asked me what I did for a living. When I told him I got this pained look that said "Oh my God, you're the scum of the Earth and how can you afford to drink in this expensive bar". I have to love the irony of being looked down upon by someone that sells tobacco in Asia. This guy was the stereotypical rich, white expatriate. Flush with funds, always eager to take a hooker home and an automatic authority on every possible subject known to man whilst being exceptionally close-minded when it comes to any kind of alternative opinion. I do know quite a few lovely expats (outside of my co-workers who are generally very nice) but many of the others are just know-it-all alcoholics with a penchant for SE Asian pussy. Excuse my French.

My friend's wife arrived yesterday so I am theoretically trying to finish up all my work so we can go for a couple of drinks later this afternoon. Obviously, my sitting here typing isn't even subtle procrastination. More like very direct avoidance.

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