Thursday, May 1, 2008

I don't friend you

As I waited at the Starhub store the other day to change address and sort my renewal of contract I happened to notice the two children beside me. The young boy, who was no more than 6, was sitting there writing a list of the people he "friended" and the people he "doesn't friend". Similar to a friends and enemies list, it's much much cuter when it's divided into people we friend and people we don't friend.

Am sitting here in my new apartment, hot but content. Singapore has been frightful the last week or so. The sun is shining and the humidity is sapping my will to do... well... pretty much anything at all. For some bizarre reason the assignment I submitted last weekend uploaded as a blank document. Given that I missed a deadline for a non-assessed piece of work I'm now looking like a prize fool. Have suggested to the course tutor that I email my assignments at the same time as I upload them as a gesture of good faith.

But yes, I find myself once more living alone in a foreign country. The last time I did this was when I was living in Shanghai which was a bizarre experience unto itself (during the SARS scare). I know a lot of people don't, but I quite enjoy living by myself. I'm a fairly sociable creature but living alone gives me some serious time to myself even if that just means sitting on my arse updating my blog.

Saw Iron Man last night. Lots of fun, a smart script in many places helped along by Downey Jnr's performance, some great futurist tech and a very pretty looking suit of armour. I wasn't actually expecting to enjoy this one quite so much, but its a very nice start to the Summer blockbuster season. Bring on the Bat!

1 comment:

ninjawookie said...

Iron Man was pretty awesome, although it had a somewhat dull end. They had this really nice improvised dialogue going which was squandered when they had to superhero speak at eachother in the final fight. What was Obadiah's inspiration for wanting a suit thought?