Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm not sure when exactly it happened, but I realise I have become an old man. I'm making Grandpa Simpson look reasonable.

Exhibit A :
I listen to talkback podcasts both from Australia and on the BBC. Talkback!!!! I do listen to it often to hear the crazies. But where is this leading? Do I move from amused bystander (by-listener?) to actually making calls myself? The worst part is that I've actually been tempted to call in. Sigh... this is a bad sign.

Exhibit B :
This should be prefaced by saying that for some reasons Singaporeans think it's ok to talk noisily through a movie. Seemingly the other patrons think this is ok too because noone ever says anything. I went to see a film by myself yesterday (I do that a lot here because I often have time free during the day). It was a thriller and was hinged upon dialogue between the characters with some random acts of torture thrown in. So a group of teenagers came in and began their noisy conversation. I gave the usual glares etc, which may have been ineffective given how dark it was in the cinema. This went on for some time and eventually the pulsating vein in my head popped. I stood up, went the two rows behind me and told the kids "If you guys don't shut the fuck up I'll take you outside and make this movie look like a picnic." Needless to say, they were very very quiet for the rest of the film.

Now I'm not a bulky guy. I'm sure they would have been the ones making the movie look like a picnic. However I think what caused me to get up was the horrendous hangover that had been plaguing me since I arrived home at 6am that morning. I felt really awful about saying this to a bunch of teenagers (even though I would never follow through on such a threat in a million years) but also quite empowered. I just can't understand why anyone would spend money to go and see a film and then talk all the way through it.

But yes, apparently I'm now engaging in old man grumpiness.

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