When I was in high school I was very big into music. I couldn't play an instrument to save myself, but surely my flannel shirt, ripped jeans and Converse sneakers (perfect for sneaking obviously) gave me some kind of credibility. I remember how smug I felt when things I'd been listening to became popular with the mainstream kids on my school. After all, I'd been listening to that stuff for a number of years already. I was old skool.
Well, I'm beginning to feel that way about the Internet. My Facebook account has long since been hunted down and beaten in the street. I've flirted with the idea of starting up a Twitter or micro-blogging account. But honestly? Just because the technology is there to do something doesn't mean it's actually worth doing or in any way shape or form a good idea. We'll leave out how micro-blogging would be a mental impossibility for someone as sefishly verbose as me. So yes, I still (occasionally) blog here. I still use Yahoo Messenger - a decade of online chatting now, how bout that? Outside of blogs, the majority of sites I hit on a regular basis are all ones I've been using for years and years. I also still spend hours a day online in one capacity or another.
Despite Web 2.0 being very much the centre of user-generated content, I remain a fairly passive user of the Net. I basically never comment on blogs or forums, despite being an avid reader of both. I don't upload/make/share/revenge-post videos or photos. Outside of this blog I don't actually generate any of my own content. Which I guess ultimately puts me in some kind of middle band, those heavy Net-users that don't contribute all that much themselves. This is by no means an indictment on myself or the millions of other middle-band Net users. Judging by the sheer volume of trash being produced by heavy content-generators it may be for the better that me and my ilk are not filling the wasteland too.
So I'm one of the heavy users whose habits haven't changed. I haven't embraced the new possibilities. Some days there are things I would like to do/make/contribute but most of the time not. It's entirely possible that as someone who has spent a very heavy decade online that I'm just a wee bit jaded and uninterested in creating more rubbish or trying in some bizarre fashion to find my 5 minutes.
Slumdog Millionaire on Friday. What an enchanting film! Yes, it has a predictable ending but the strength of the film is entirely in how they get to that ending, with the method of explaining the lead characters past being just the right side of clever. Gorgeous soundtrack to go with it. Yup, I enjoyed this one. Was also nice just to go see a movie again, even if it was on my 'Jack Jones'. Looking at the playlist and posters up... Danny Boyle, Bryan Singer, David Fincher and Darren Aronofsky. Hmmm... must be Oscars season again...
It would appear that soon enough I'll be starting The Great Property Hunt of 2009. Can't believe it's already been a year. Hopefully a downturn in the economy means an upgrade in living standard for me. Pretty selfish point of view when you consider that so many people will be downgrading and others losing their housing entirely (less so in Sg, but definitely in Australia and other countries).
Had to call my Mum tonight. Had a weird dream in the wee hours that she and Dad had been away and they came back but Mum was really upset with me. Perhaps a little guilt playing into it there as I hadn't called or emailed in a while. Seems that all the family is fine and noone we know directly has been affected by the bushfires. Awful stuff. Surreal to follow it on the news but then someone at my work, with little English, asked me if my family was ok when she ound out I was from Melbourne. Strange moment to get al emotional. Guess I am in the category of people that can be thankful nothing happened to anyone I know. Still feel awful about those that have been affected.
Ok enough. Other things to say but at some point you have to crawl in to bed and try to beat that high score on DS Boggle.