Friday, May 22, 2009

Back in Singapore

Phew. It's been a while. I did my trip to Dubai and Turkey which was great. The above is a photo taken at the Basilica Cistern. Spent two whole weeks living in the pockets of my sister and her husband. We managed not to kill one another and somehow the conversation never tired. Overall a lovely trip. Also nice to come back with something of a tan.

I still have another week or so of holidays and am putting it to good use by studying for my exam which is less than two weeks away. By studying of course I mean procrastinating and by procrastinating of course I mean updating my neglected blog.

Am a little conflicted about my move back to Melbourne. Even though it's only for 6 months I just know I'll be forced to make a hard choice at the end of it. Right now, strangely, it feels that my life is here in Singapore. While the hours for my job bug me without end, I do like my workplace and the people I work with. Last night I actually concocted a wild scheme to create a position for myself which would result in far more human hours. I'm not lacking in chutzpah that's for sure. Guess I'll wait and see what happens when I get back here in January.

Have a surprising amount of people to catch up with and do last meals etc with before I leave. The next four weeks will move very quickly. Me? Well, I've just got to keep up.

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