Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What makes you happy?

Small things crop up everyday that make us feel good, a joke from a co-worker a phone call or email from a friend, but the answer to the question "What makes you happy?" would seem to be a bit more difficult for most people.

When I was asked this question, I stammered a bit and grasped at my job and comics. Indeed these two things do make me happy, but I had to consider what else touches me, fills my heart with hope and the urge to soldier on. It's very easy to think about the things that annoy us. The injustices, the random tragedies, the rudeness of our fellow human beings. Have we as a society come so far and become so cynical and critical that we can barely even identify the truly good things in our lives?

While I'm very lucky to be blessed with rich friendships and a large family, it's still a difficult question even for me to answer.

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