Friday, January 2, 2009

I take all my own photos... of me...

Would you believe I'm only up to Herbie Hancock? No wonder I've been avoiding this task for years!

Went for drinks with one of my best mates here last night. Emerald Hill was very very quiet and we had shockingly terrible martinis until we switched to the much safer whiskey option. One of the things I always find interesting at Emerald Hill is that groups of (really hot) girls go out in small groups there. They rarely seem to be out looking to pick up guys, they just seem to go there to look hot and have some drinks.

I found out some interesting gossip about me as well. My friend informed me that I can pretty much have any girl I want (apparently 'the one' is not included in this group...) and that it's public knowledge that I'm sleeping with at least several of the Singaporean staff. What I like about public knowledge is that the truth doesn't need to get in the way of a good gossip. Not only am I sleeping with a couple of them but some of them are no longer on speaking terms because I'm now sleeping with the other.

The reality is that I'm sleeping with none of them, nor have I ever slept with any of them. I have very strict rules about shitting where I eat so to speak. I've broken this rule only once as an adult and that was because she was a 'one', so it was only natural to break it. I am, despite what everyone else in the world thinks, a relatively shy guy who doesn't like to be the centre of attention. I don't like my life being the fodder for gossip which is probably at least part of the reason why I compartmentalise my life so completely. So these are the fun things I learn about myself on a night out for drinks. My friend was cute because I think he partially told me this to find out whether any of it was true. As I said to him, if anyone at all knew it would be him (BFF moment *eyeroll*).

Makes you wonder about the celebrity thing. Is it better that people are talking about you salaciously than ignoring you completely?

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