Sunday, January 4, 2009

The best laid plans

Well, the new year was supposed to bring with it reformed behaviour and a focus on life outside of work. Somehow staying out at a drum and bass party until 5am isn't what defines 'reformed behaviour'. I almost never go to this particular club because I'm not a go-out-on-saturday-night type of guy. Besides which I'm invariably working on Sunday mornings so a club that doesn't start happening until after 1am isn't really on the cards. But I did have a good time. Every few months I just need to bust out completely, go silly and dance with that gangly, side-steppy, mime kung fu fighting thing that I do. So today has been a very slooooooooooooow day with going to the nearby hawker centre being the equivalent of an achievement.

Am looking forward to work starting back tomorrow. Am less looking forward to the slurpy cover letters I'm going to be writing and rejigging my resume that needs to happen over the next few days. Yes, I'm officially job-hunting. I don't hate my job. In fact I quite enjoy what I do. It's just the hours that are poor and I kind of figure that with my qualifications I don't need to be in that situation if I don't want to. It's a shit or get off the pot scenario. I'm really just doing this to motivate myself and am not expecting to pick up anything before mid-year but it is vital to at least have my resume out there for people to get back to me.

Tonight I leave with a joke of awesome awesomeness that was told to me last night :

A man walks into a bar. He sees some nuts in a bowl on the counter. Before he can reach for them the bartender comes over and asks for his order. He orders a pint and then reaches for a nut. Just as he's picking up the nut he hears a woman's voice say "Oh, is that a new tie? You really do look very handsome today!" Freaked out he looks around but can't see anyone around who could have said it. Confused, he wanders over to the cigarette machine and as he's pulling out a packet form the machine he hears a gruff man's voice saying "You're a right fucking twat, you know that? Go on then, get the fuck out of here you big pussy." Again, he looks around but there's no one there.

He goes back to the bar and asks the bartender "Listen, I'm hearing voices. I could have sworn I heard a woman's voice when I grabbed some nuts and some guy abusing me when I bought my cigarettes. The bartender offers an understanding smile, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, the nuts are complimentary and the cigarette machine's out of order."

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