Wednesday, October 22, 2008


For a couple of months now, S and I have been scheming to start up a Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con (or Bi-monthly-science-fiction-convention for the uninitiated). As I currently have the Sci Fi channel, the plan is basically taping a random episode of pretty much every current series and then watch them in one marathon session. I've taped the shows, the list including Star Trek Next Gen, Firefly, The Outer Limits, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Sliders and maybe one or two others I'm currently forgetting. Circumstances (and by this I mean visitors and my current study) have conspired against the inaugral Singapore Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con. Schedule is currently looking very bleak as we both deal with visitors and I move into the final, sanity defying phase of the course.

We've even added to the value of the day by agreeing it's important that we both try to identify a theme which runs through all of these random episodes of the disparate series'. Now it's gotten the final virgin nipple that tips this from a geekfest into the realm of glorious, messianic confluence of all things wonderful. I was walking home from work tonight and decided that the best possible thing I could have for dinner was satays from Satay Street (yes, there IS such a thing! I know how jealous you all are mwuahahahaha). I texted S to gloat and he came back with one profound and defining word : Bi-Mon-Satay-Con.

So that's it. We get random episodes of now defunct science fiction tv show AND satays. This has to happen. Soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I wonder if there is such a fanciful thing as "Geekonomics"? If not, I just owned the copyright to the silly word. hahaha ~LY