Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Spy Who Knew Me

Perhaps this situation is more common than I think it is, but here we go. I met a woman about a month back in a bar. We drank, laughed and shared a taxi partway to our respective houses. Nothing at all happened, nor am I interested in her that way. However, I must say she is a fascinating creature. She's half Hawaiian-half Indian, cruises around the world on a US passport and has a security pass for the embassy here in Sg. The security pass was what set my initial alarm bells off. You only get those if you actually work there. In the course of conversation she told me that she had been doing charity work around Holland area and had come back to spend a couple of months with her parents after being away for almost two years. We've met up a few times since and yesterday she asked me to meet up because she was heading away to Malaysia on Friday. I couldn't because I had work to do but that's by the by. When I asked her when she'd be back she messaged back that she didn't know.

So let's add some of this stuff up :
- Ill-defined and difficult to check-up upon job CHECK
- Mysterious trips to the port in the early morning and refusing to explain why she was heading there CHECK
- Security pass for the embassy despite being a civilian CHECK
- Trips overseas which have no return date CHECK
- Vivacious personality and elegant looks CHECK
- Independently wealthy CHECK (sorry, but if you have that much money and do charity work then you're either rich or you have another job entirely)

If she's not a spy then God knows who could be one!!

Though if she gave such obvious clues away then she'd be a pretty crappy spy...

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