Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On Why Men Aren't Getting Married...

I feel less inclined to write about relationship issues these days because, frankly, I find the whole topic kind of tedious. Additionally, it's rare that anyone has anything to say on a blog on the matter that hasn't been said before or doesn't sound trite.

So... at the risk of being trite...

I came across this article which basically says that many men are remaining single because they are more concerned about having a bad marriage than the ever-popular myth that men don't want a marriage at all. Now I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly with this point of view. I do want to get married, but the idea that I may end up in a bad marriage, or worse yet a boring one, scares the shit out of me. It accounts for some of the carnage I have left behind me in previous relationships, which is not to say that I may not have been in error in at least one of these cases. I don't subscribe to the "divorce is the reason why I'm too scared to get married" theory. That sounds like classic boohoo, wah-wah and smacks of a convenient scapegoat rather than looking at deeper issues. After all, I am not a product of divorce and yet here I am, in the same boat as many other men.

Anyhow, as I mentioned earlier, I'm really not that interested in getting into such topics. However I couldn't help but notice then end of the article where the researcher goes on to say he looked around at the people he was researching and promptly moved in with his girlfriend and is considering marriage. So his real conclusion was not that men are scared to get married but that most of those men are a bunch of sad fucks and he didn't want to end up like them. Weird way to sell your book...

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