Saturday, February 7, 2009

Smelly T-shirt

On the way back from stocking up on flu drugs today I opened my maibox to see a package waiting for me. You need to understand that the highlights of my mail-receiving experience are when POSB (technically not even my own bank!) contacts me to ask if I want to open a new high-interest savings account.

So this package was one of those cardboard style envelopes which have bubble-wrap inside them. Squishy! No return sender on the package. I opened it and realised it was a t-shirt. Wow! Some mystery person has sent me a t-shirt. How awesome! As I unwrapped it my memory started to focus in on the t-shirt. It was one of my own t-shirts!!! In addition, it smelt great. Some kind of perfume or smelliness-improver was added to the package.

As hard as I try, I have no idea who could have borrowed this. Two of the possible options are people that could have, and would have no reason not to, call me and say "Hey, I have a t-shirt of yours I want to give back". So I'm left with one guess left.

Don't know, it's all kind of out of the blue. I didn't even realise at this point that the t-shirt was missing. Worse yet that I don't know who sent it. I kind of wish I could pin it and say 'hey, that person definitely sent it'. What does it say about me?

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