Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to my little corner of the Interweb

I did a wonderful thing the other day. After a month of deliberation, I finally deleted my Facebook account. Gone from my bookmarks. No more hotlink icon. No more checking it 5 times a day. Yes, I was one of them. A CrackBook addict. So in a fit of "why/how do all these people track me down", I've finally taken the step and killed it. I'll miss all those lonely nights that CrackBook kept me warm and safe. The way it allowed me to look up ex-girlfriends just to see if they had an account. All those "great" videos I got sent, though 99 Words for Boobs will always have a special place in my heart. And even, even the random people that you knew 10 years ago who are suddenly tracking you down. It's this last group that make CrackBook so addictive and also so repellent. Ultimately, I guess I do feel a bit sorry for the FluffPet I'm leaving to die an InterWeb death.

So I'm back here more permanently. Watch this space.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Prolific Much

Well, as I farewelled my team for season 2008, a week earlier than I'd anticipated I might add, it occurred to me that no matter how many people fawn over me and gush about what a good father I would make, the facts are that I'm probably not ready to have one. I think I enjoy a beer, the football and some scantily clad girls dancing nearby a little too much.

Everything, and I do mean everything, was removed from my coffee table and presented to me. Thanks. You can just leave that there. No, I don't want that. Don't put you finger in there!!


My swinging bachelor pad is soooooooooo not child proof. I almost had my keys thrown out of my apartment. Which may sound like nothing, but when you have a latch lock... which is LOCKED, it's a small problem. So I've done my thing, for which my friend's wife should thank me, because I've given her her first night child-free in over a month. A such a good person sometimes. I think people misconstrue my ability to deal with children as having the makings of a good father. The reality is that I think I make a great uncle. The uncle who downs beer at a party, throws the kid around and keeps him/her entertained while the parents get some time away from the craziness, but also the same uncle that gets to hand the little filthpot back at the end of the evening and think to myself "Geez, I'm glad that's not me!".