Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Things that are good :

- Vertigo is good
- Grant Morrison psychodelia
- Cats are very very good
- Declining a job interview because you actually like your job
- Collingwood makes me feel warm inside
- BBC Entertainment channel
- Remembering that you live in a tropical country and enjoying a beer outdoors at night
- Batman movies
- Lego games
- Looney Tunes archive
- Podcasts
- Only having to wait one more day

Things that are bad :

- Never quite being able to relax because you know study is there spinning webs in the back of your mind
- Suicides on the floor above you
- Unbelievable downpours when you really need a taxi
- Needless approval by 18 different people just to get something simple done
- Getting up in the morning
- Ants. Ants make me very spanky

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